Source code for APIs.ModisNRT

# ==============================================================================
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import datetime
import json
import os
import re
from typing import Dict, Any, List
from typing import Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
from pyproj import Transformer

import ee
import geopandas as gpd
import ipyfilechooser as fc
import ipywidgets as widgets
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rasterio
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from osgeo import gdal
from pyproj import CRS
from rasterio.features import shapes
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry import shape
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
import shapely

from mcimageprocessing import config_manager
from mcimageprocessing.programmatic.APIs.EarthEngine import EarthEngineManager
from mcimageprocessing.programmatic.APIs.GPWv4 import GPWv4
from mcimageprocessing.programmatic.APIs.WorldPop import WorldPop
from mcimageprocessing.programmatic.shared_functions.utilities import process_and_clip_raster, generate_bbox

# ==============================================================================
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population_source_options = ['WorldPop', 'GPWv4']
nrt_band_options = {'Water Counts 1-Day 250m Grid_Water_Composite': 0,
                    'Water Counts CS 1-Day 250m Grid_Water_Composite': 1,
                    'Valid Counts 1-Day 250m Grid_Water_Composite': 2,
                    'Valid Counts CS 1-Day 250m Grid_Water_Composite': 3,
                    'Flood 1-Day 250m Grid_Water_Composite': 4,
                    'Flood 1-Day CS 250m Grid_Water_Composite': 5,
                    'Water Counts 2-Day 250m Grid_Water_Composite': 6,
                    'Valid Counts 2-Day 250m Grid_Water_Composite': 7,
                    'Flood 2-Day 250m Grid_Water_Composite': 8,
                    'Water Counts 3-Day 250m Grid_Water_Composite': 9,
                    'Valid Counts 3-Day 250m Grid_Water_Composite': 10,
                    'Flood 3-Day 250m Grid_Water_Composite': 11}
modis_proj = CRS("+proj=sinu +R=6371007.181 +nadgrids=@null +wktext")
modis_tile_size = 1111950.5196666667  # MODIS sinusoidal tile size in meters
modis_nrt_api_root_url = ''
date_type_options = ['Single Date', 'Date Range', 'All Available Images']
population_source_variables = ['Residential Population', "Age and Sex Structures"]
population_source_year_options = [x for x in range(2000, 2021)]

[docs] class ModisNRT: """ :class: ModisNRT This class provides functions to interact with the MODIS NRT (Near Real-Time) data. Initialization Parameters: None Attributes: modis_tile_size (float): MODIS sinusoidal tile size in meters. modis_download_token (str): Token for MODIS NRT download. modis_nrt_api_root_url (str): Root URL for MODIS NRT API. headers (dict): Headers for API requests. nrt_band_options (dict): Dictionary mapping MODIS band names to their index values. Methods: calculate_modis_tile_index(x, y) Calculate MODIS tile indices for given sinusoidal coordinates. get_modis_tile(geometry) Calculate which MODIS tiles a given geometry falls into. get_modis_nrt_file_list(tiles, modis_nrt_params) Get a list of MODIS NRT files for the given tiles. process_hdf_file(hdf_file, subdataset_index, tif_list=None) Process an HDF file and convert it to a GeoTIFF. """ population_source_options=population_source_options nrt_band_options = nrt_band_options modis_proj = modis_proj modis_tile_size = modis_tile_size modis_nrt_api_root_url = modis_nrt_api_root_url date_type_options = date_type_options population_source_variables= population_source_variables population_source_year_options=population_source_year_options def __init__(self, ee_manager: Optional[EarthEngineManager] = None): """ Initialize the object. :param ee_manager: Optional parameter of type EarthEngineManager. An instance of the EarthEngineManager class. If not provided, a new instance will be created. """ self.modis_download_token = config_manager.config['KEYS']['MODIS_NRT']['token'] # Token for MODIS NRT download self.headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.modis_download_token}'} # Token for MODIS NRT download self.ee_instance = ee_manager if ee_manager else EarthEngineManager() self.worldpop_instance = WorldPop() self.gpwv4_instance = GPWv4() # ============================================================================== # PRIMARY FUNCTIONS # ==============================================================================
[docs] def download_and_process_files(self, matching_files: List[str], modis_nrt_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> (List[str], List[str]): """ Download and process the given files. :param matching_files: List of files to be downloaded and processed. :param modis_nrt_params: Dictionary containing modis nrt parameters. :type matching_files: List[str] :type modis_nrt_params: Dict[str, Any] :return: Tuple containing lists of hdf files to process and tif files. :rtype: Tuple[List[str], List[str]] """ hdf_files_to_process = [] tif_list = [] for url in matching_files: self.download_and_process_modis_nrt(url, modis_nrt_params['folder_output'], hdf_files_to_process, subdataset=modis_nrt_params['nrt_band'], tif_list=tif_list) return hdf_files_to_process, tif_list
[docs] def calculate_population_in_flood_area(self, raster_path: str, year: int, population_data_type: str, population_data_source: str, folder_output: str) -> str: with as src: band = # Read the first band # Create a mask where the pixel value is 3 mask = band == 3 if not np.any(mask): return 'No flood area detected' # Vectorize the mask mask_shapes = shapes(band, mask=mask, transform=src.transform) # Create geometries and their associated raster values geometries = [] raster_values = [] for geom, value in mask_shapes: if value == 3.0: geometries.append(shape(geom)) raster_values.append(value) # Create a GeoDataFrame with geometry and raster value columns gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': geometries, 'raster_value': raster_values}) # Set the CRS from the raster = os.makedirs(folder_output, exist_ok=True) output_path = raster_path.replace('.tif', '.geojson').replace('modis_nrt_merged', 'flood_area') gdf.to_file(output_path, driver='GeoJSON') ee_geometries = gdf['geometry'].apply(self.shapely_to_ee) multi_geom = ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon(list(ee_geometries)) if population_data_type == 'WorldPop': worldpop = WorldPop() if population_data_source == 'Residential Population': worldpop_params = { 'api_source': population_data_type, 'year': year, 'datatype': population_data_source, 'statistics_only': False, 'add_image_to_map': False, 'create_sub_folder': False, 'folder_output': folder_output, 'band': 'population', 'flood_pop_calc': True } image, folder_path = worldpop.process_api(geometry=multi_geom, distinct_values=None, index=None, params=worldpop_params, pbar=None) return round(image["population"]) # return f'Population impacted: {"{:,}".format(round(image["population"]))}' # return f'Population impacted: {image}' else: worldpop_params = { 'api_source': population_data_type, 'year': year, 'datatype': population_data_source, 'statistics_only': True, 'add_image_to_map': False, 'create_sub_folder': False, 'folder_output': folder_output, 'flood_pop_calc': True } image, folder_path = worldpop.process_api(multi_geom, None, None, worldpop_params) return f'Population impacted: {image}' else: gpwv4 = GPWv4() band = 'population_count' if population_data_source == 'CIESIN/GPWv411/GPW_Population_Count' else 'unwpp-adjusted_population_count' gpwv4_params = { 'year': year, 'datatype': population_data_source, 'band': band, 'statistics_only': False, 'add_image_to_map': False, 'create_sub_folder': False, 'folder_output': folder_output, } image, folder_path = gpwv4.process_api(multi_geom, distinct_values=None, index=None, params=gpwv4_params) return round(self.ee_instance.get_image_sum(img=image, geometry=multi_geom, band=band, scale=927.67))
# ============================================================================== # HELPER FUNCTIONS # ==============================================================================
[docs] def calculate_modis_tile_index(self, x: float, y: float) -> tuple[int, int]: """ Calculate the MODIS tile index for the given coordinates. :param x: The X-coordinate of the location. :param y: The Y-coordinate of the location. :return: A tuple containing the horizontal and vertical indices of the MODIS tile. """ h = int((x + 20015109.354) // self.modis_tile_size) v = int((10007554.677 - y) // self.modis_tile_size) # Adjust for Northern Hemisphere return h, v
[docs] def get_modis_tile(self, geometry: Union[Point, list, pd.DataFrame]) -> Set[tuple[int, int]]: transformer = Transformer.from_crs("epsg:4326", self.modis_proj, always_xy=True) tiles_covered = set() if isinstance(geometry, Point): x, y = transformer.transform(geometry.x, geometry.y) tiles_covered.add(self.calculate_modis_tile_index(x, y)) elif isinstance(geometry, list) and len(geometry) == 4: for corner in [(geometry[0], geometry[1]), (geometry[0], geometry[3]), (geometry[2], geometry[1]), (geometry[2], geometry[3])]: x, y = transformer.transform(corner[0], corner[1]) tiles_covered.add(self.calculate_modis_tile_index(x, y)) elif isinstance(geometry, pd.DataFrame): bbox = geometry.iloc[0] # Assuming you want to process the first row for corner in [(bbox['minx'], bbox['miny']), (bbox['minx'], bbox['maxy']), (bbox['maxx'], bbox['miny']), (bbox['maxx'], bbox['maxy'])]: x, y = transformer.transform(corner[0], corner[1]) tiles_covered.add(self.calculate_modis_tile_index(x, y)) else: raise TypeError( "Input must be a Shapely Point, a bounding box list [minx, miny, maxx, maxy], or a DataFrame with bbox columns.") return tiles_covered
[docs] def get_modis_nrt_file_list(self, tiles: List[Tuple[int, int]], modis_nrt_params: Dict[str, datetime.datetime]) -> \ List[str]: """ :param tiles: List of tuples representing the tiles (integer values for h and v) :param modis_nrt_params: Dictionary containing the necessary parameters for Modis NRT (date) :return: List of matching file URLs This method takes in a list of tiles and Modis NRT parameters and returns a list of file URLs that match the specified criteria. It loops through each tile, constructs the base URL folder *, and generates a file pattern based on the year, day of year, and tile coordinates. It then sends a request to the base URL folder and parses the HTML content using BeautifulSoup. * It finds all the links in the HTML content and checks if they match the file pattern. If a link matches the pattern, it is added to the list of matching files. Finally, the method * prints a message and returns the list of matching file URLs. """ matching_files = [] for tile in tiles: h = f"{tile[0]:02d}" v = f"{tile[1]:02d}" year = modis_nrt_params['date'].year doy = f"{modis_nrt_params['date'].timetuple().tm_yday:03d}" base_url_folder = f"{self.modis_nrt_api_root_url}/{year}/{doy}/" file_pattern = rf"MCDWD_L3_NRT\.A{year}{doy}\.h{h}v{v}\.061\.\d+\.hdf" response = requests.get(base_url_folder) html_content = response.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') links = soup.find_all('a') # Check if the request was successful for link in links: href = link.get('href') if, href): matching_files.append(href) return matching_files
[docs] def process_hdf_file(self, hdf_file: str, subdataset_index: int, tif_list: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: """ Process HDF file and convert the selected subdataset to GeoTIFF format. :param hdf_file: Path to the HDF file. :param subdataset_index: Index of the subdataset to be converted. :param tif_list: Optional list to store the paths of the converted GeoTIFF files. :return: None """ hdf_dataset = gdal.Open(hdf_file, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) subdatasets = hdf_dataset.GetSubDatasets() # Select a subdataset subdataset = subdatasets[subdataset_index][0] # Open the subdataset ds = gdal.Open(subdataset, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) # Define output path for the GeoTIFF output_tiff = hdf_file.replace('.hdf', '.tif') # Convert to GeoTIFF gdal.Translate(output_tiff, ds) # Close the dataset ds = None if tif_list is not None: tif_list.append(output_tiff)
[docs] def merge_tifs(self, tif_list: List[str], output_tif: str) -> None: """ Merge a list of GeoTIFF files into a single GeoTIFF. :param tif_list: A list of GeoTIFF files to merge. :param output_tif: The path to the output GeoTIFF file. :return: None """ gdal.Warp(output_tif, tif_list)
[docs] def download_and_process_modis_nrt(self, url: str, folder_path: str, hdf_files_to_process: List[str], subdataset: str, tif_list: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, stream=True) downloaded_files = [] if response.status_code == 200: # Ensure the folder_path ends with a slash if not folder_path.endswith('/'): folder_path += '/' filename = f"{folder_path}{url.split('/')[-1]}" # Corrected the path with open(filename, 'wb') as f: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): f.write(chunk) downloaded_files.append(filename) subdataset_index = self.nrt_band_options[subdataset] for hdf_file in downloaded_files: self.process_hdf_file(hdf_file, subdataset_index, tif_list=tif_list)
[docs] def get_modis_nrt_dates(self) -> List[datetime.datetime]: years = [] response = requests.get(f'{self.modis_nrt_api_root_url}?fields=all') if response.status_code == 200: html_content = response.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') for a in soup.find_all('a'): year_text = a.text # Extract the text, which is the year if year_text.isdigit(): # Ensure that the extracted text is a year years.append(year_text) dates = [] for year in years: date_response = requests.get(f'{self.modis_nrt_api_root_url}/{year}?fields=all') if date_response.status_code == 200: html_content = date_response.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') for a in soup.find_all('a'): date_text = a.text # Extract the text, which should be the day of the year if date_text.isdigit(): # Ensure that the extracted text is a day of the year date_string = f'{year}{date_text}' dates.append(self.convert_to_date(date_string)) return dates
[docs] def convert_to_date(self, date_string: str) -> datetime.datetime: """ Converts a date string to a datetime object. :param date_string: The date string in the format "YYYYDDD", where YYYY is the year and DDD is the day of the year. :return: The converted datetime object representing the given date. Example: >>> convert_to_date("2020121") datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 1) """ # Extract the year and the day of the year from the string year = int(date_string[:4]) day_of_year = int(date_string[4:]) # Calculate the date by adding the day of the year to the start of the year date = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=day_of_year - 1) return date
[docs] def shapely_to_ee(self, geometry: BaseGeometry, crs: str = 'EPSG:4326') -> ee.Geometry: """ :param geometry: The Shapely geometry object to be converted to Earth Engine Geometry. :type geometry: shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry :param crs: The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of the input geometry. Defaults to 'EPSG:4326'. :type crs: str :return: The Earth Engine Geometry object created from the input Shapely geometry. :rtype: ee.Geometry """ geojson = gpd.GeoSeries([geometry]).set_crs(crs).to_json() geojson_dict = json.loads(geojson) ee_geometry = ee.Geometry(geojson_dict['features'][0]['geometry']) return ee_geometry
[docs] def get_tiles(self, bbox: Any) -> List[Any]: """ Get the tiles for the given bounding box. :param bbox: The bounding box. :type bbox: Any :return: The list of tiles. :rtype: List[Any] """ tiles = self.get_modis_tile(bbox) return tiles
[docs] def find_matching_files(self, tiles: List[Any], modis_nrt_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]: """ Find matching files based on the given tiles and MODIS NRT parameters. :param tiles: A list of tiles. :type tiles: List[Any] :param modis_nrt_params: A dictionary of MODIS NRT parameters. :type modis_nrt_params: Dict[str, Any] :return: A list of matching file names. :rtype: List[str] """ return self.get_modis_nrt_file_list(tiles, modis_nrt_params)
[docs] def cleanup_files(self, tif_list: List[str], hdf_files_to_process: List[str], modis_nrt_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Removes files from the given lists if `keep_individual_tiles` parameter is False. :param tif_list: A list of TIFF file paths. :param hdf_files_to_process: A list of HDF file paths. :param modis_nrt_params: A dictionary of MODIS NRT parameters. - 'keep_individual_tiles': A boolean indicating whether to keep individual tiles or not. :return: None """ if not modis_nrt_params['keep_individual_tiles']: for file in tif_list + hdf_files_to_process: try: os.remove(file) except FileNotFoundError: pass
[docs] def merge_files(self, tif_list: List[str], folder: str) -> str: """ Merge the given list of TIFF files into a single merged file. :param tif_list: List of paths to TIFF files to be merged. :param folder: Folder where the merged file will be saved. :return: Path to the merged TIFF file. Example Usage: tif_list = ['file1.tif', 'file2.tif', 'file3.tif'] folder = '/path/to/folder' merged_file = merge_files(tif_list, folder) """ merged_output = os.path.join(folder, 'modis_nrt_merged.tif') self.merge_tifs(tif_list, merged_output) return merged_output
[docs] class ModisNRTNotebookInterface(ModisNRT): def __init__(self, ee_manager: Optional[EarthEngineManager] = None): """ Initialize the class. :param ee_manager: An instance of the EarthEngineManager class. If not provided, a new instance will be created. """ super().__init__(ee_manager) # Initialize the base WorldPop class self.out = widgets.Output() # For displaying logs, errors, etc. # Initialize widgets self.create_widgets_for_modis_nrt()
[docs] def on_single_or_date_range_change_modis_nrt(self, change: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """ Handle the change event for the single or date range dropdown in the MODIS NRT widget. :param change: The change event. :type change: dict :return: The value of the single or date range dropdown. :rtype: any """ single_or_date_range_value = change['new'] if single_or_date_range_value == 'Single Date': # Create the DatePicker widget with constraints self.date_picker_modis_nrt = widgets.Dropdown( options=[(f"{x.year}-{x.month}-{}", x) for x in self.modis_nrt_available_dates], description='Select Date:', disabled=False, ) self.modis_nrt_date_vbox.children = [self.date_picker_modis_nrt] elif single_or_date_range_value == 'Date Range': # Create the DatePicker widgets with constraints self.date_picker_modis_nrt = widgets.HBox([ widgets.Dropdown( options=[(f"{x.year}-{x.month}-{}", x) for x in self.modis_nrt_available_dates], description='Select Start Date:', disabled=False, ), widgets.Dropdown( options=[(f"{x.year}-{x.month}-{}", x) for x in self.modis_nrt_available_dates], description='Select End Date:', disabled=False, ),]) self.modis_nrt_date_vbox.children = [self.date_picker_modis_nrt] elif single_or_date_range_value == 'All Available Images': self.modis_nrt_date_vbox.children = [] return single_or_date_range_value
[docs] def on_population_source_change(self, change): """ :param change: dictionary containing the new value of the population source :return: None """ new_population_source = change['new'] # Update population_source_variable and population_source_year based on the new_population_source if new_population_source == 'WorldPop': self.population_source_variable.options = self.worldpop_instance.data_type_options self.population_source_year.options = [x for x in self.worldpop_instance.year_options] elif new_population_source == 'GPWv4': self.population_source_variable.options = {x['name']: x['layer'] for x in self.gpwv4_instance.data_type_options if x['name'] != 'Population Density'} self.population_source_year.options = [x for x in self.gpwv4_instance.year_options] # Ensure the value is set to one of the available options self.population_source_variable.value = self.population_source_variable.options[0] self.population_source_year.value = self.population_source_year.options[0]
[docs] def get_modis_nrt_dates(self) -> List[]: """ Retrieves the MODIS NRT dates from the NASA API. :return: A list of objects representing the MODIS NRT dates. """ response = requests.get( f'') json_response = response.json()['content'] years = [x['name'] for x in json_response if x['name'] != 'Recent'] dates = [] for year in years: date_response = requests.get( f'{year}?fields=all&formats=json') date_response_json = date_response.json()['content'] for date in date_response_json: dates.append(self.convert_to_date(f'{year}{date["name"]}')) return dates
[docs] def create_widgets_for_modis_nrt(self) -> List[widgets.Widget]: """ Create widgets for MODIS NRT. :return: A list of widgets. """ with self.out: self.modis_nrt_available_dates = self.get_modis_nrt_dates() self.single_or_date_range_modis_nrt = widgets.ToggleButtons( options=self.date_type_options, disabled=False, value='Single Date', tooltips=['Single Date', 'Date Range', 'All Available Images'], ) self.modis_nrt_band_selection = widgets.Dropdown( options=[x for x in self.nrt_band_options.keys()], description='Band:', disabled=False, value='Flood 3-Day 250m Grid_Water_Composite', style={'description_width': 'initial'}, ) self.modis_nrt_date_vbox = widgets.VBox([]) self.on_single_or_date_range_change_modis_nrt({'new': self.single_or_date_range_modis_nrt.value}) self.single_or_date_range_modis_nrt.observe( lambda change: self.on_single_or_date_range_change_modis_nrt(change), names='value' ) self.calculate_population = widgets.Checkbox( value=False, description='Calculate Population in Flood Area: ', disabled=False, indent=False ) self.population_source = widgets.Dropdown( options=self.population_source_options, description='Population Source:', disabled=False, value='WorldPop', style={'description_width': 'initial'}, ) self.population_source_variable = widgets.Dropdown( options=self.population_source_variables, description='Population Variable:', disabled=False, value='Residential Population', style={'description_width': 'initial'}, ) self.population_source_year = widgets.Dropdown( options=self.population_source_year_options, description='Population Year:', disabled=False, value=2020, style={'description_width': 'initial'}, ) self.population_source_grid = widgets.Accordion([widgets.TwoByTwoLayout( top_left=self.calculate_population, top_right=self.population_source, bottom_left=self.population_source_variable, bottom_right=self.population_source_year )]) self.population_source_grid.set_title(0, 'Population Options') self.add_image_to_map = widgets.Checkbox(description='Add Image to Map', value=True) self.create_sub_folder = widgets.Checkbox(description='Create Sub-folder', value=True) self.filechooser = fc.FileChooser(os.getcwd(), show_only_dirs=True) self.clip_to_geometry = widgets.Checkbox( value=True, description='Clip Image to Geometry Bounds', disabled=False, indent=False ) self.keep_individual_tiles = widgets.Checkbox( value=False, description='Keep Individual Tiles', disabled=False, indent=False ) self.end_of_vbox_items = widgets.Accordion([widgets.TwoByTwoLayout( top_left=self.create_sub_folder, top_right=self.clip_to_geometry, bottom_left=self.keep_individual_tiles, bottom_right=self.add_image_to_map )]) self.end_of_vbox_items.set_title(0, 'Options') self.population_source.observe(self.on_population_source_change, names='value') # Return a list of widgets return [self.modis_nrt_band_selection, self.single_or_date_range_modis_nrt, self.modis_nrt_date_vbox, self.filechooser, self.population_source_grid, self.end_of_vbox_items]
def _create_sub_folder(self, base_folder: str) -> str: """ Create a new subfolder within the given base folder with a timestamp. :param base_folder: The path of the base folder where the subfolder will be created. :return: The path of the newly created subfolder or the base folder if creation fails. """ timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") folder_name = os.path.join(base_folder, f"modis_nrt_processed_on_{timestamp}") try: os.makedirs(folder_name, exist_ok=True) return folder_name except OSError as e: self.logger.error(f"Failed to create subfolder '{folder_name}': {e}") return base_folder
[docs] def process_api(self, geometry: Any, distinct_values: Any, index: int, bbox, params=None, pbar=None) -> None: """ Process API method to perform specific operations. :param geometry: The geometry for the operation. :param distinct_values: The distinct values for the operation. :param index: The index value for the operation. :param bbox: The bounding box for the operation. :param params: The optional parameters for the operation. :return: The path of the processed file. """ if params.get('create_sub_folder'): params['folder_output'] = self._create_sub_folder(params['folder_path']) try: os.rename(os.path.join(params['folder_path'], 'geometry.geojson'), os.path.join(params['folder_output'], 'geometry.geojson')) except PermissionError: pass params_file_path = os.path.join(params['folder_output'], 'parameters.json') with open(params_file_path, 'w') as f: params_for_dump = params.copy() for key, value in params_for_dump.items(): if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): params_for_dump[key] = value.isoformat() json.dump(params_for_dump, f) if params['calculate_population']: self.population_dict = {} tiles = self.get_modis_tile(bbox) if self.single_or_date_range_modis_nrt.value in ['Date Range', 'All Available Images']: start_date = params['start_date'] end_date = params['end_date'] current_date = start_date if isinstance(start_date, datetime.datetime): start_date = if isinstance(end_date, datetime.datetime): end_date = if isinstance(current_date, datetime.datetime): current_date = while current_date <= end_date: # Process your current_date params['date'] = current_date matching_files = self.get_modis_nrt_file_list(tiles, params) if matching_files == []: current_date += datetime.timedelta(days=1) print('No matching files found for this date. Please try again later after new imagery available.') continue hdf_files_to_process = [] tif_list = [] start = 1 year = current_date.year doy = f"{current_date.timetuple().tm_yday:03d}" for url in matching_files: self.download_and_process_modis_nrt(url, params['folder_output'], hdf_files_to_process, subdataset=self.modis_nrt_band_selection.value, tif_list=tif_list) start += 1 merged_output = os.path.join(params['folder_output'], f"modis_nrt_merged_{year}_{doy}.tif") self.merge_tifs(tif_list, merged_output) for file in tif_list + hdf_files_to_process: if params['keep_individual_tiles']: pass else: try: os.remove(file) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: process_and_clip_raster(merged_output, geometry, params, self.ee_instance) except Exception as e: print(f"{e}") clipped_output = os.path.join(params['folder_output'], f"modis_nrt_merged_{year}_{doy}_clipped.tif") if params['calculate_population']: try: pop_impacted = self.calculate_population_in_flood_area(clipped_output, params['population_year'], params['population_data_type'], params['population_type'], params['folder_path']) print(f'Population Impacted: {pop_impacted:,}') self.population_dict[current_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = pop_impacted except Exception as e: print(f"{e}") # Move to the next day current_date += datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: pbar.update(1) pbar.set_postfix_str('Finding matching files...') matching_files = self.get_modis_nrt_file_list(tiles, params) current_date = params['date'] year = current_date.year doy = f"{current_date.timetuple().tm_yday:03d}" hdf_files_to_process = [] tif_list = [] start=1 pbar.update(3) pbar.set_postfix_str('Downloading and processing files...') for url in matching_files: self.download_and_process_modis_nrt(url, params['folder_output'], hdf_files_to_process, subdataset=self.modis_nrt_band_selection.value, tif_list=tif_list) start += 1 pbar.update(3) pbar.set_postfix_str('Merging and clipping files...') merged_output = os.path.join(params['folder_output'], f"modis_nrt_merged_{year}_{doy}.tif") self.merge_tifs(tif_list, merged_output) for file in tif_list + hdf_files_to_process: if params['keep_individual_tiles']: pass else: try: os.remove(file) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: process_and_clip_raster(merged_output, geometry, params, self.ee_instance) except Exception as e: print(f"{e}") clipped_output = os.path.join(params['folder_output'], f"modis_nrt_merged_{year}_{doy}_clipped.tif") if params['calculate_population']: try: pop_impacted = self.calculate_population_in_flood_area(clipped_output, params['population_year'], params['population_data_type'], params['population_type'], params['folder_path']) self.population_dict[current_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = pop_impacted print(f'Population Impacted: {pop_impacted:,}') except Exception as e: print(f"{e}") # Serialize the geometry to GeoJSON if isinstance(geometry, ee.Geometry): geojson_geometry = geometry.getInfo() # If geometry is an Earth Engine object elif isinstance(geometry, ee.Feature): geojson_geometry = geometry.getInfo() elif isinstance(geometry, ee.FeatureCollection): geojson_geometry = geometry.getInfo() elif isinstance(geometry, shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon): geojson_geometry = shapely.geometry.mapping(geometry) else: geojson_geometry = geometry # If geometry is already in GeoJSON format pbar.update(1) pbar.set_postfix_str('Writing GeoJSON...') # Define the GeoJSON filename geojson_filename = os.path.join(params['folder_output'], 'modis_nrt_geometry.geojson') # Write the GeoJSON to a file with open(geojson_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(geojson_geometry)) if params['calculate_population']: pop_impacted_filename = os.path.join(params['folder_output'], 'population_impacted.json') with open(pop_impacted_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.population_dict)) pbar.update(2) pbar.set_postfix_str('Process Complete!') return clipped_output
[docs] def gather_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ :return: A dictionary containing the parameters for the method. The dictionary will have the following keys and values: - If `single_or_date_range_modis_nrt` is set to 'Single Date': - 'date': The selected date from `date_picker_modis_nrt` - 'multi_date': False - 'folder_path': The selected folder path from `filechooser` - 'create_sub_folder': The value of `create_sub_folder` - 'clip_to_geometry': The value of `clip_to_geometry` - 'keep_individual_tiles': The value of `keep_individual_tiles` - 'add_image_to_map': The value of `add_image_to_map` - 'calculate_population': The value of `calculate_population` - 'nrt_band': The value of `modis_nrt_band_selection` - 'population_year': The value of `population_source_year` - 'population_type': The value of `population_source_variable` - 'population_data_type': The value of `population_source` - If `single_or_date_range_modis_nrt` is set to 'Date Range': - 'start_date': The selected start date from `date_picker_modis_nrt` - 'end_date': The selected end date from `date_picker_modis_nrt` - 'multi_date': True - 'folder_path': The selected folder path from `filechooser` - 'create_sub_folder': The value of `create_sub_folder` - 'clip_to_geometry': The value of `clip_to_geometry` - 'keep_individual_tiles': The value of `keep_individual_tiles` - 'add_image_to_map': The value of `add_image_to_map` - 'calculate_population': The value of `calculate_population` - 'nrt_band': The value of `modis_nrt_band_selection` - 'population_year': The value of `population_source_year` - 'population_type': The value of `population_source_variable` - 'population_data_type': The value of `population_source` - If `single_or_date_range_modis_nrt` is neither 'Single Date' nor 'Date Range', returns None. """ if self.single_or_date_range_modis_nrt.value == 'Single Date': date = self.date_picker_modis_nrt.value return { 'date': date, 'multi_date': False, 'folder_path': self.filechooser.selected, 'create_sub_folder': self.create_sub_folder.value, 'clip_to_geometry': self.clip_to_geometry.value, 'keep_individual_tiles': self.keep_individual_tiles.value, 'add_image_to_map': self.add_image_to_map.value, 'calculate_population': self.calculate_population.value, 'nrt_band': self.modis_nrt_band_selection.value, 'population_year': self.population_source_year.value, 'population_type': self.population_source_variable.value, 'population_data_type': self.population_source.value } elif self.single_or_date_range_modis_nrt.value in ['Date Range', 'All Available Images']: start_date = self.date_picker_modis_nrt.children[0].value if self.single_or_date_range_modis_nrt.value == 'Date Range' else min(self.modis_nrt_available_dates) end_date = self.date_picker_modis_nrt.children[1].value if self.single_or_date_range_modis_nrt.value == 'Date Range' else max(self.modis_nrt_available_dates) return { 'start_date': start_date, 'end_date': end_date, 'multi_date': True, 'folder_path': self.filechooser.selected, 'create_sub_folder': self.create_sub_folder.value, 'clip_to_geometry': self.clip_to_geometry.value, 'keep_individual_tiles': self.keep_individual_tiles.value, 'add_image_to_map': self.add_image_to_map.value, 'calculate_population': self.calculate_population.value, 'nrt_band': self.modis_nrt_band_selection.value, 'population_year': self.population_source_year.value, 'population_type': self.population_source_variable.value, 'population_data_type': self.population_source.value, } else: pass