Source code for APIs.GloFasAPI

import datetime
import itertools
import os
from typing import Optional
import ee
import json
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
import io
import logging
import warnings

import cdsapi
import ipyfilechooser as fc
import ipywidgets as widgets
from ipywidgets import DatePicker
from ipywidgets import VBox, HBox

from mcimageprocessing import config_manager
from mcimageprocessing.programmatic.APIs.EarthEngine import EarthEngineManager
from mcimageprocessing.programmatic.shared_functions.utilities import process_and_clip_raster

from osgeo import gdal

# Set error level to only report errors and ignore warnings - especially related to GloFas warnings regarding missing metadata for pygrib in the GRIB files natively from GloFas.
gdal.SetConfigOption('CPL_LOG_ERRORS', 'OFF')
gdal.SetConfigOption('CPL_LOG', 'OFF')

[docs] class GloFasAPI: def __init__(self, ee_manager: Optional[EarthEngineManager] = None): # ============================================================================== # CONFIGURATION # ============================================================================== self.ee_instance = ee_manager if ee_manager else EarthEngineManager() url = config_manager.config['KEYS']['GloFas']['url'] key = config_manager.config['KEYS']['GloFas']['key'] self.client = cdsapi.Client(url=url, key=key) self.glofas_dict = { "products": { 'cems-glofas-seasonal': { "system_version": ['operational', 'version_3_1', 'version_2_2'], 'hydrological_model': ['lisflood'], "variable": "river_discharge_in_the_last_24_hours", "leadtime_hour": list(range(24, 5161, 24)), "year": list(range(2019, + 1)), "month": ["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"], # "day": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], # "area": [10.95, -90.95, -30.95, -29.95], "format": "grib" }, 'cems-glofas-forecast': { "system_version": ['operational', 'version_3_1', 'version_2_1'], 'hydrological_model': ['lisflood', 'htessel_lisflood'], 'product_type': [ 'control_forecast', 'ensemble_perturbed_forecasts', ], "variable": "river_discharge_in_the_last_24_hours", "leadtime_hour": list(range(24, 721, 24)), "year": list(range(2020, + 1)), "month": ["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"], "day": list(range(24, 32)), # "area": [10.95, -90.95, -30.95, -29.95], "format": "grib" }, 'cems-glofas-reforecast': { "system_version": ['version_4_0', 'version_3_1', 'version_2_2'], 'hydrological_model': ['lisflood', 'htessel_lisflood'], 'product_type': [ 'control_forecast', 'ensemble_perturbed_forecasts', ], "leadtime_hour": list(range(24, 1105, 24)), "year": list(range(1999, + 1)), "month": ["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"], "day": list(range(24, 32)), # "area": [10.95, -90.95, -30.95, -29.95], "format": "grib" } } } logging.getLogger('cdsapi').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='.*Template .*') # ============================================================================== # PRIMARY FUNCTIONS # ==============================================================================
[docs] def download_data(self, product_name, request_parameters, file_name): # Construct the file path day = request_parameters.get('day', '01') file_path = os.path.join(request_parameters['folder_location'], file_name) f = io.StringIO() # Call the CDS API with redirect_stdout(f): self.client.retrieve( product_name, { 'variable': request_parameters['variable'], 'format': request_parameters['format'], 'system_version': request_parameters['system_version'], 'hydrological_model': request_parameters['hydrological_model'], 'product_type': request_parameters['product_type'], 'year': request_parameters['year'], 'day': day, 'month': request_parameters['month'], 'leadtime_hour': request_parameters['leadtime_hour'], 'area': request_parameters['area'], }, file_path ) return file_path
[docs] def download_glofas_data(self, bbox, params, index=None, distinct_values=None): """ :param bbox: The bounding box of the area to download Glofas data for. :param glofas_params: The parameters for downloading Glofas data. :param index: The index of the Glofas data. :param distinct_values: The distinct values for the Glofas data (optional). :return: The file path of the downloaded Glofas data. """ request_parameters = { 'glofas_product': params.get('glofas_product'), 'variable': 'river_discharge_in_the_last_24_hours', 'format': 'grib', 'system_version': params.get('system_version'), 'hydrological_model': params.get('hydrological_model'), 'product_type': params.get('product_type', 'ensemble_perturbed_forecasts'), 'year': params.get('year'), 'month': params.get('month'), # Omit 'day' to use the default value or provide a specific day 'day': params.get('day', '01'), 'leadtime_hour': params.get('leadtime_hour'), 'area': [bbox['maxy'][0], bbox['minx'][0], bbox['miny'][0], bbox['maxx'][0]], 'folder_location': params.get('folder_location'), } index = index if index is not None else 0 # Construct file name based on the parameters file_name = f"{params['glofas_product']}_{'userdefined' if distinct_values is None else '_'.join(str(value) for value in distinct_values)}_{index}_{params.get('year')}_{params.get('month')}_{request_parameters.get('day', '01')}.grib" # Download data and return the file path return self.download_data(params['glofas_product'], request_parameters, file_name)
# ============================================================================== # HELPER FUNCTIONS # ==============================================================================
[docs] def no_data_helper_function(self, bbox, glofas_params, geometry, index, distinct_values): """ Helper function to handle 'no data available' scenario by trying different combinations. """ system_version_list = self.glofas_dict['products'][glofas_params['glofas_product']]['system_version'] hydrological_model_list = self.glofas_dict['products'][glofas_params['glofas_product']]['hydrological_model'] product_type_list = self.glofas_dict['products'][glofas_params['glofas_product']].get('product_type', [None]) all_combinations = list(itertools.product(system_version_list, hydrological_model_list, product_type_list)) last_attempted_combination = (glofas_params['system_version'], glofas_params['hydrological_model'], glofas_params['product_type'] if glofas_params.get('product_type') else None) all_combinations.remove(last_attempted_combination) for comb in all_combinations: try: glofas_params['system_version'], glofas_params['hydrological_model'], glofas_params[ 'product_type'] = comb file_path = self.download_glofas_data(bbox, glofas_params, index, distinct_values) processed_raster = process_and_clip_raster(file_path, geometry, glofas_params, self.ee_instance) if processed_raster: # Check if processing was successful return processed_raster except Exception as e: print(e) if "no data is available within your requested subset" not in str(e): break # Exit the loop if a different error occurs print("No suitable data could be found for any combination.") return None
def _create_sub_folder(self, base_folder: str) -> str: """ Create a new subfolder within the given base folder. :param base_folder: The path of the base folder where the subfolder will be created. :type base_folder: str :return: The path of the newly created subfolder. :rtype: str """ timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") # More readable timestamp folder_name = os.path.join(base_folder, f"glofas_processed_on_{timestamp}") try: os.mkdir(folder_name) return folder_name except OSError as e: self.logger.error(f"Failed to create subfolder: {e}") return base_folder
[docs] def get_last_day_of_month(self, year, month): """ Get the last day of the given month and year. :param year: The year :param month: The month :return: The date of the last day of the given month and year. """ next_month = month % 12 + 1 next_month_first_day = if next_month != 1 else year + 1, next_month, 1) last_day_of_month = next_month_first_day - datetime.timedelta(days=1) return last_day_of_month
[docs] class GloFasAPINotebookInterface(GloFasAPI): def __init__(self, ee_manager: Optional[EarthEngineManager] = None): super().__init__(ee_manager) self.out = widgets.Output() # For displaying logs, errors, etc. # Initialize widgets self.glofas_stack = VBox([])
[docs] def create_glofas_dropdown(self, dropdown_options, description, default_value): """ Creates a dropdown widget for the GLOFAS application. :param dropdown_options: A list of options for the dropdown. :param description: The description label for the dropdown. :param default_value: The default value for the dropdown. :return: A Dropdown widget for the GLOFAS application. """ dropdown = widgets.Dropdown( options=dropdown_options, value=default_value, # the default value description=description, disabled=False, ) return dropdown
[docs] def create_widgets_for_glofas(self, glofas_option: str): """ Create widgets specific to GloFas Data Type 2 :param glofas_option: The selected GloFas option :return: A list of widgets specific to the selected GloFas option """ # Create widgets specific to GloFas Data Type 2 # Example: A slider for selecting a range and a button self.system_version = widgets.ToggleButtons( options=[x.replace('_', '.').title() for x in self.glofas_dict['products'][glofas_option]['system_version']], description='System Version:', disabled=False, value=self.glofas_dict['products'][glofas_option]['system_version'][0].replace('_', '.').title(), ) self.hydrological_model = widgets.ToggleButtons( options=[x for x in self.glofas_dict['products'][glofas_option]['hydrological_model']], description='Hydrological Model:', disabled=False, value=self.glofas_dict['products'][glofas_option]['hydrological_model'][0], ) try: self.product_type = widgets.ToggleButtons( options=[x.replace('_', '.').title() for x in self.glofas_dict['products'][glofas_option]['product_type']], description='Product Type:', disabled=False, value=self.glofas_dict['products'][glofas_option]['product_type'][0].replace('_', '.').title(), ) except KeyError: pass self.leadtime = widgets.IntSlider( value=24, min=min(self.glofas_dict['products'][glofas_option]['leadtime_hour']), max=max(self.glofas_dict['products'][glofas_option]['leadtime_hour']), step=24, description='Lead Time:', disabled=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d' ) self.leadtime.layout.width = 'auto' self.single_or_date_range = widgets.ToggleButtons( options=['Single Date'], disabled=False, value='Single Date', tooltips=['Single Date'], ) self.glofas_date_vbox = VBox([]) self.on_single_or_date_range_change({'new': self.single_or_date_range.value}, glofas_option=glofas_option) self.single_or_date_range.observe( lambda change: self.on_single_or_date_range_change(change, glofas_option=glofas_option), names='value' ) self.no_data_helper_checklist = widgets.Checkbox(value=True, description='No-Data Helper Function', tooltip="Due to GloFas API framework, some versions and/or " "models aren't available for certain dates. If enabled," "This will allow the program to automatically alter the version date and " "hydrological model to find a matching dataset.") self.system_version.layout.width = 'auto' # self.date_picker.layout.width = 'auto' self.add_image_to_map = widgets.Checkbox(description='Add Image to Map', value=True) self.create_sub_folder = widgets.Checkbox(description='Create Sub-folder', value=True) self.clip_to_geometry = widgets.Checkbox( value=True, description='Clip Image to Geometry Bounds', disabled=False, indent=False ) self.filechooser = fc.FileChooser(os.getcwd(), show_only_dirs=True) self.glofas_end_of_vbox_items = widgets.Accordion([ widgets.TwoByTwoLayout( top_left=self.add_image_to_map, top_right=self.no_data_helper_checklist, bottom_left=self.create_sub_folder, bottom_right=self.clip_to_geometry ) ]) self.glofas_end_of_vbox_items.set_title(0, 'Options') # Return a list of widgets if glofas_option == 'cems-glofas-seasonal': return [self.system_version, self.hydrological_model, self.leadtime, self.single_or_date_range, self.glofas_date_vbox, self.filechooser, self.glofas_end_of_vbox_items] else: return [self.system_version, self.hydrological_model, self.product_type, self.leadtime, self.single_or_date_range, self.glofas_date_vbox, self.filechooser, self.glofas_end_of_vbox_items]
[docs] def get_available_dates(self, glofas_option): """Generate a list of available dates based on the selected GloFas option.""" min_year = min(self.glofas_dict['products'][glofas_option]['year']) max_year = max(self.glofas_dict['products'][glofas_option]['year']) min_month = 1 # Assuming January is always included max_month = 12 # Assuming December is always included min_day = 1 available_dates = [] for year in range(min_year, max_year + 1): for month in range(min_month, max_month + 1): for day in range(min_day, self.get_last_day_of_month(year, month).day + 1): if, month, day) >= break available_dates.append(, month, day)) return available_dates
[docs] def update_date_dropdown(self, glofas_option): """Update the date dropdown with available dates based on the selected GloFas option.""" available_dates = self.get_available_dates(glofas_option) formatted_date_options = [(date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), date) for date in available_dates] return formatted_date_options
[docs] def on_single_or_date_range_change(self, change, glofas_option: str): """ Handles the change event when the option for single date or date range is changed. :param change: A dictionary containing information about the change event. :param glofas_option: The selected Glofas option. :return: None """ single_or_date_range_value = change['new'] options = self.update_date_dropdown(glofas_option) if single_or_date_range_value == 'Single Date': # Create the DatePicker widget with constraints self.date_picker = widgets.Dropdown( options=options, description='Select Date:', disabled=False, ) self.glofas_date_vbox.children = [self.date_picker] else: # Create the DatePicker widgets with constraints self.date_picker = HBox([ widgets.Dropdown( options=options, description='Select Start Date:', disabled=False ), widgets.Dropdown( options=options, description='Select End Date:', disabled=False )]) self.glofas_date_vbox.children = [self.date_picker]
[docs] def update_max_date(self, year, month): """ Update the maximum date of the DatePicker when the year or month changes. :param year: The selected year. :param month: The selected month. """ max_date = self.get_last_day_of_month(year, month) self.date_picker.max = max_date
[docs] def on_glofas_option_change(self, change): """ Updates the glofas_stack based on the new value received in the change parameter. :param change: A dictionary containing the new value of the glofas option. :return: None """ new_value = change['new'] self.glofas_stack.children = () # Clear the glofas_stack self.update_glofas_container(new_value)
[docs] def update_glofas_container(self, glofas_value): """ Update the GloFAS container based on the selected GloFAS product. :param glofas_value: The selected GloFAS product. :return: None """ specific_widgets = self.create_widgets_for_glofas(glofas_value) # Replace the children of the glofas_stack with the specific widgets self.glofas_stack.children = tuple(specific_widgets)
# else: # # If the selected GloFAS product is not recognized, clear the glofas_stack # self.glofas_stack.children = ()
[docs] def gather_parameters(self, glofas_product: str): """ :param glofas_product: The type of GloFAS product. :return: A dictionary containing the parameters required for the given GloFAS product. The `get_glofas_parameters` method takes in the `glofas_product` parameter to determine the type of GloFAS product. It then collects the necessary parameters based on the type of product * and returns them in a dictionary. Note: The returned dictionary may vary depending on the value of `glofas_product`. Example usages: ``` parameters = get_glofas_parameters('cems-glofas-seasonal') # Returns: # { # 'system_version': system_version, # 'hydrological_model': hydrological_model, # 'leadtime_hour': leadtime_hour, # 'year': year, # 'month': month, # 'day': day, # """ date_type = self.single_or_date_range.value system_version = self.system_version.value.replace('.', '_').lower() hydrological_model = self.hydrological_model.value try: product_type = self.product_type.value.replace('.', '_').lower() except AttributeError: product_type = None leadtime_hour = self.leadtime.value if date_type == 'Single Date': date = self.date_picker.value year = str(date.year) month = int(date.month) day = str( elif date_type == 'Date Range': start_date = self.date_picker.children[0].value end_date = self.date_picker.children[1].value year = str(start_date.year) month = int(start_date.month) day = str( folder_location = self.filechooser.selected create_sub_folder = self.create_sub_folder.value clip_to_geometry = self.clip_to_geometry.value add_image_to_map = self.add_image_to_map.value no_data_helper = self.no_data_helper_checklist.value if glofas_product == 'cems-glofas-seasonal': return { 'glofas_product': glofas_product, 'system_version': system_version, 'hydrological_model': hydrological_model, 'leadtime_hour': leadtime_hour, 'year': year, 'month': month, 'day': day, 'folder_location': folder_location, 'create_sub_folder': create_sub_folder, 'clip_to_geometry': clip_to_geometry, 'add_image_to_map': add_image_to_map, 'no_data_helper': no_data_helper } elif glofas_product == 'cems-glofas-forecast': return { 'glofas_product': glofas_product, 'system_version': system_version, 'hydrological_model': hydrological_model, 'product_type': product_type, 'leadtime_hour': leadtime_hour, 'year': year, 'month': month, 'day': day, 'folder_location': folder_location, 'create_sub_folder': create_sub_folder, 'clip_to_geometry': clip_to_geometry, 'add_image_to_map': add_image_to_map, 'no_data_helper': no_data_helper } elif glofas_product == 'cems-glofas-reforecast': return { 'glofas_product': glofas_product, 'system_version': system_version, 'hydrological_model': hydrological_model, 'product_type': product_type, 'leadtime_hour': leadtime_hour, 'year': year, 'month': month, 'day': day, 'folder_location': folder_location, 'create_sub_folder': create_sub_folder, 'clip_to_geometry': clip_to_geometry, 'add_image_to_map': add_image_to_map, 'no_data_helper': no_data_helper } else: print("Invalid GloFAS product.") return None
[docs] def process_api(self, geometry, distinct_values, index, bbox, params, pbar=None): """ Process the GLOFAS API data. """ try: pbar.update(4) pbar.set_postfix_str("Downloading data...") if params['create_sub_folder']: # Create a sub-folder folder_path = params['folder_location'] params['folder_location'] = self._create_sub_folder(params['folder_location']) try: os.rename(os.path.join(folder_path, 'geometry.geojson'), os.path.join(params['folder_location'], 'geometry.geojson')) except PermissionError: pass params_file_path = os.path.join(params['folder_location'], 'parameters.json') with open(params_file_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(params, f) if self.single_or_date_range.value == "Date Range": try: start_date = self.date_picker.children[0].value end_date = self.date_picker.children[1].value current_date = start_date if isinstance(start_date, datetime.datetime): start_date = if isinstance(end_date, datetime.datetime): end_date = if isinstance(current_date, datetime.datetime): current_date = while current_date <= end_date: params['year'] = str(current_date.year) params['month'] = current_date.month params['day'] = str( file_path = self.download_glofas_data(bbox=bbox, params=params, index=index, distinct_values=distinct_values) pbar.update(4) pbar.set_postfix_str("Processing data...") processed_raster = process_and_clip_raster(file_path, geometry, params, self.ee_instance) current_date += datetime.timedelta(days=1) except Exception as e: print(e) if "no data is available within your requested subset" in str(e) and params['no_data_helper']: return self.no_data_helper_function(bbox, params, geometry, index, distinct_values) else: print("An error occurred that couldn't be handled by the no data helper function.") return None else: file_path = self.download_glofas_data(bbox=bbox, params=params, index=index, distinct_values=distinct_values) pbar.update(4) pbar.set_postfix_str("Processing data...") processed_raster = process_and_clip_raster(file_path, geometry, params, self.ee_instance) # Serialize the geometry to GeoJSON if isinstance(geometry, ee.Geometry): geojson_geometry = geometry.getInfo() # If geometry is an Earth Engine object elif isinstance(geometry, ee.Feature): geojson_geometry = geometry.getInfo() elif isinstance(geometry, ee.FeatureCollection): geojson_geometry = geometry.getInfo() else: geojson_geometry = geometry # If geometry is already in GeoJSON format # Define the GeoJSON filename geojson_filename = os.path.join(params['folder_location'], 'geometry.geojson') # Write the GeoJSON to a file with open(geojson_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(geojson_geometry)) pbar.update(2) pbar.set_postfix_str("Finished!") return processed_raster except Exception as e: print(e) if "no data is available within your requested subset" in str(e) and params['no_data_helper']: return self.no_data_helper_function(bbox, params, geometry, index, distinct_values) else: print("An error occurred that couldn't be handled by the no data helper function.") return None
[docs] def setup_global_variables(self): self.glofas_dict = { "products": { # 'cems-glofas-seasonal': { # "system_version": ['operational', 'version_3_1', 'version_2_2'], # 'hydrological_model': ['lisflood'], # "variable": "river_discharge_in_the_last_24_hours", # "leadtime_hour": list(range(24, 5161, 24)), # "year": list(range(2019, + 1)), # "month": ["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", # "11", "12"], # # "day": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], # # "area": [10.95, -90.95, -30.95, -29.95], # "format": "grib" # }, 'cems-glofas-forecast': { "system_version": ['operational', 'version_3_1', 'version_2_1'], 'hydrological_model': ['lisflood', 'htessel_lisflood'], 'product_type': [ 'control_forecast', 'ensemble_perturbed_forecasts', ], "variable": "river_discharge_in_the_last_24_hours", "leadtime_hour": list(range(24, 721, 24)), "year": list(range(2020, + 1)), "month": ["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"], "day": list(range(24, 32)), # "area": [10.95, -90.95, -30.95, -29.95], "format": "grib" }, # 'cems-glofas-reforecast': { # "system_version": ['version_4_0', 'version_3_1', 'version_2_2'], # 'hydrological_model': ['lisflood', 'htessel_lisflood'], # 'product_type': [ # 'control_forecast', 'ensemble_perturbed_forecasts', # ], # "leadtime_hour": list(range(24, 1105, 24)), # "year": list(range(1999, + 1)), # "month": ["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", # "11", "12"], # "day": list(range(24, 32)), # # "area": [10.95, -90.95, -30.95, -29.95], # "format": "grib" # } } }